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The world has changed. Half a century ago, a businesses’ biggest fear was thieves breaking into their front door. Today they have to deal with what seems like something from the pages of science fiction thrillers. Nefarious hackers in the dark corners of the world, sneaking into their businesses through information systems, stealing their most valuable assets – their data. 

Businesses are struggling immensely with today’s growing cybersecurity, data privacy, and regulatory compliance challenges. Why? Because they’ve failed to build an information security framework for protecting their assets and IP. Learn more about today’s emerging cybersecurity threats from Charles Denyer.

CEO’s and business owners growing their businesses now have to unfortunately think long and hard about data breaches and how one bad data breach – really, any breach – could land them out of a job and with years of legal headaches. Making security a top priority is not just on the wish list, it’s something that needs to be done, and now. Learn more about data breach examples, statistics, issues, threats, and concerns from Charles Denyer.

CEO’s and business owners who’ve invested heavily in the cloud are no doubt worried about growing cybersecurity threats. All it takes is a determined hacker – or even worse – a malicious employee – and their entire business can come crumbling down. Learn more about cloud security issues, best practices and cybersecurity threats from Charles Denyer.

Charles Denyer is regarded as one of the world’s leading cybersecurity speakers, someone with years of real-world expertise who brings a fresh and unique perspective to every speaking engagement. We live in a world where technology is virtually found everywhere, every day, in everything we do, permeating our lives like never before. Luckily, for organizations who not only understand the importance of cybersecurity – but can leverage it as their new competitive advantage – huge opportunities can be had in terms of rapid market growth, increased revenues, longer client retention – and that’s just the beginning.

Charles offers numerous keynote speaking platforms on the broader topic of cybersecurity. Additionally, he brings a wealth of knowledge that very few individuals possess. From understanding Artificial Intelligence to leveraging cybersecurity as your new competitive advantage, Charles has you covered. Check Charles’ availability today as your next cybersecurity speaker.

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