Charles has spent the last two decades deep in the trenches of information security, data privacy, and regulatory compliance. He’s developed both hands-on, real-world technical skills, but just as important, has a strong understanding of the business implications – and opportunities – of today’s complex world.
Charles has worked with thousands of business over the years, offering a wide-range of products, services, and solutions for keeping businesses safe and secure, but also helping them grow their business like never before. If you’re looking for a deep, yet easy-to-understand and implement process for your business, then turn to Charles today. From cloud computing needs to understanding emerging cybersecurity threats – and anything else related to security, privacy, and compliance – Charles brings to the table unrivaled expertise and business know-how skills.
A Global Leader in Strategic Cybersecurity
Speaking Expertise
- Obtaining a Competitive Advantage with Cybersecurity – A Security First Marketing Approach
- Emerging Cyber Threats
- The Internet of Things (IoT) & Cybersecurity
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Cybersecurity
- Cryptocurrency & Cybersecurity
- Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
- State-Sponsored Attacks
- Cyber Terrorism
- Cloud Security
- Network Security
- Data Security
- Application Security
- Data Theft/Data Manipulation
- Data Breaches
- Privacy (US and EU)
- Malware
- Ransomware
- Mobile Security
- Hacking
- Phishing
- Social Engineering Attacks
- Insider Threats
- Third-Party/Vendor Security
- Incident Response
- Cybersecurity Awareness & Training
- Security & Compliance
- Building a Foundation for Cybersecurity Resiliency
- Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)
- Dark Web