I Help Businesses & Entrepreneurs
Gain a Competitive Advantage with Cybersecurity
Real-world stories that captivate audiences.
Timely, fresh, and insightful information you need to know.
Taking your newly acquired knowledge and transforming your business.
Top Rated Keynote Speaker & Cybersecurity Expert
Top Cybersecurity Keynote Guest Speaker for Businesses Charles Denyer
Charles Denyer is one of the world’s leading cybersecurity keynote guest speakers and presenters for businesses and organizations.
With unprecedented advances in technology come massive challenges in protecting information systems and assets. Are You Prepared?
Criminals and other nefarious individuals are lurking at every corner in today’s digital world – hiding, waiting, and attacking with a level of sophistication rarely seen before. The sounding of the alarm for increased security has clearly begun as companies are spending massive fortunes in protecting their networks from the never-ending barrage of cybersecurity attacks. More firewalls, more software detection solutions – more of everything relating to information security – but is it working?
Breaches are on the rise, from external attackers, but also from insider threats. Can anything truly be done for stopping the massive onslaught of security compromises now flooding the business landscape? What should you be doing differently that you’re not doing now when it comes to cybersecurity? Talk to Charles and gain invaluable insight from a proven professional with years of cybersecurity expertise. Charles Denyer is one of the world’s leading cybersecurity keynote guest speakers and presenters for businesses and organizations.
Obtaining a Competitive Advantage Through Cybersecurity
While everybody is talking about the doom and gloom around cybersecurity, data privacy, and regulatory compliance, there’s much to be optimistic about. That’s right, taking the negativity out of many of these core businesses challenges and turning them into a revenue generating, Security First marketing approach is what I do for businesses. I work with CEO’s and entrepreneurs who want to grow their business. I also focus on the Managed Security Services (MSS) industry, as the opportunities for MSS providers are absolutely huge. Now’s the time for a Security First marketing approach when it comes to cybersecurity.
Charles' Extensive Cybersecurity Expertise & Speaking Topics
- Obtaining a Competitive Advantage with Cybersecurity – A Security First Marketing Approach
- Emerging Cyber Threats
- The Internet of Things (IoT) & Cybersecurity
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Cybersecurity
- Cryptocurrency & Cybersecurity
- Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
- State-Sponsored Attacks
- Cyber Terrorism
- Cloud Security
- Network Security
- Data Security
- Application Security
- Data Theft/Data Manipulation
- Data Breaches
- Privacy (US and EU)
- Malware
- Ransomware
- Mobile Security
- Hacking
- Phishing
- Social Engineering Attacks
- Insider Threats
- Third-Party/Vendor Security
- Incident Response
- Cybersecurity Awareness & Training
- Security & Compliance
- Building a Foundation for Cybersecurity Resiliency
- Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)
- Dark Web
Why CharlesFor Your Next Cybersecurity Speaker
Looking for a speaker with unprecedented knowledge, expertise and real-world experiences when it comes to cybersecurity? Charles Denyer is one of the world’s leading cybersecurity keynote guest speakers and presenters for businesses and organizations. Here’s what Charles brings to your event as one of America’s top cybersecurity keynote speakers:
Real-World Expertise
Charles has worked with a large and diverse clientele over the past two decades, from small startups to massive international conglomerates. Because of this, he understands the true importance of cybersecurity for virtually every type of business, sector, and industry. He’s also a hands-on cyber expert, responsible for hundreds of security implementations for helping businesses build robust cyber resilience platforms.
A Tailored Approach
Need to get into the details about next-generation firewalls? Perhaps you’re just looking to get up to speed on the very basics of cybersecurity for your organization? Whatever your cybersecurity speaking needs are – from the highly-technical to a more general approach – Charles offers a tailored message customized to your exact desires.
The Crystal Ball
Charles has unique insight into emerging cybersecurity trends now canvassing the information technology landscape. What threats are on the horizon? What can we expect in terms of enhanced security tools for the coming year? How do we best secure our cloud environment from both inside threats and external attacks? You’ve got questions on the future of cybersecurity – Charles has the answers and knowledge to share with you.