Donald Trump

Should Democrats be Afraid of Donald Trump?

Donald Trump is coming after you – if you’re a Democrat. Afraid? Of what, you might ask? Donald Trump is soon to be an ex-president, a one-termer who failed to secure re-election, essentially joining the ranks of Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush as members of the unfortunate one-and-done club of Chief Executives. True, come

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Marine One Past & FUTURE: The Sikorsky VH-92 – A Turning Point in Presidential Transportation

U.S. presidents have relied on helicopter transport for more than half a century. Helicopters, for presidents, have gone from being experimental in President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s day, to being essential in the twenty-first century. The hefty, highly sophisticated helicopters are commonly referred to as “White Tops” because, above the unique dark green body, a prominent

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The Global Consequences of Operation Olympic Games – Stuxnet – America & Israel’s Secret Cyber Attack on Iran’s Nuclear Program. (Part IV)

The fallout from Stuxnet also had many political consequences, all the way to the White House.  Former vice-chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, General James Cartwright, one of the central figures in developing Stuxnet, and often referred to as “Obama’s General”, plead guilty to leaking the Stuxnet operation.  Cartwright was essentially New York Times

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Delving Deep into Operation Olympic Games – Stuxnet – America & Israel’s Secret Cyber Attack on Iran’s Nuclear Program. (Part II)

Soon after the successful attacks, it becomes very clear that the United States was the main driver behind the attack on Iran’s centrifuges.  While President Bush may have been the impetus for Olympic Games, President Obama took the United States full force into the new world of cyberwar as he approved a wave of attacks

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The Origins of Operation Olympic Games – Stuxnet – America & Israel’s Secret Cyber Attack on Iran’s Nuclear Program. (Part I).

As Iran pushed further, more aggressively in developing nuclear capabilities, America, Israel, and countless other nations watched with great concern. A nuclear armed Iran would prove hostile to the Middle East, and with a hawkish Israeli Prime Minister – Benjamin Netanyahu – ready to take decisive military action against Iran’s weapons development, the Obama administration

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Charles Denyer – Up Close and Personal with Former Vice President Dick Cheney

From the final days of Watergate to the great financial crisis of 2008, Dick Cheney has been front-and-center in many of America’s most significant and consequential political events. Cheney’s political resume is nothing short of legendary – youngest Chief of Staff to ever serve a President of the United States, Wyoming’s lone Congressman for a

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