Charles Denyer and Secretary James A. Baker, III – Meeting at Baker Institute at Rice University

James A. Baker, III and Charles Denyer

My meeting with former Secretary of Treasury/Secretary of State (and twice Chief of Staff) James A. Baker, III. Had a great discussion on all things politics. Baker is one of the most consequential political figures of the last 50 years. A true power player.  There’s only ONE Jim Baker. I interviewed Secretary Baker for my publication Texas Titans, a the friendship between George H.W. Bush and James A. Baker, III.

The friendship between George H.W. Bush and James A. Baker, III began over fifty years ago on the tennis courts of the Houston Country Club when they found themselves paired as a doubles team, winning back-to-back championships in 1966 and 1967. While both men were admittedly weak servers, Bush was the net-and-volley guy, with Baker holding down the baseline with his groundstroke skills. That same approach of complementary skill sets and teamwork spilled over into their political careers for decades to come.

Both men’s résumés were legendary. Bush served as a United States congressman, ambassador to the United Nations, chair of the Republican National Committee, US liaison to China, director of Central Intelligence, 43rd vice president, and 41st president of the United States.

Baker served as undersecretary of commerce, secretary of the treasury, secretary of state, and White House chief of staff — twice, while also chairing or playing a lead role in five successive presidential elections for three different candidates from 1976 to 1992.

Texas Titans is a story of George Herbert Walker Bush and James Addison Baker, III, two of America’s most consequential statesmen of the past fifty years. Two men from opposite areas of the country who found friendship on the tennis courts at the Houston Country Club. Two men who helped transform a world during an era of immense challenges and change. Two men who became — and still are — Texas titans.

James A. Baker, III and Charles Denyer
James A. Baker, III and Charles Denyer

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