Charles Denyer is one of the world’s leading cybersecurity keynote guest speakers and presenters for businesses and organizations.

See below for a comprehensive list of keynote speeches covering a wide-range of subject matter relating to InfoSec, Cybersecurity, data privacy, regulatory compliance, & much more.

Businesses, specifically, service providers – are failing to see the huge competitive advantage that cybersecurity can bring them. Let’s stop talking about the misery of data breaches, fines, and the countdown to the next big hack, and start talking about how your business can create a massive competitive…

The cybersecurity landscape is complex, rapidly changing, with more threats on the horizon than ever before. Organizations need to be prepared for the coming challenges and changes with cybersecurity, which means being in the know regarding current and emerging issues, threats, concerns, and best practices.

Who cares about security, right? After all, isn’t it all about growth and profits? The cold, hard truth is that as much as we all agree on the importance of understanding and implementing proven cybersecurity best practices, companies are falling short time and time again. No, you can’t just buy security tools…

What’s ransomware and why should I care? How safe are free WIFI zones? I just received an email saying I won a free cruise to the Bahamas, but I need to click on the link to register – should I? These are just a few examples of the hundreds of questions I receive from individuals all across the country regarding…

Businesses in North America’s private sector are being increasingly targeted by states and/or state-sponsored organizations for growing cyber-attacks. Recent state-sponsored attacks against AMC Theaters, SONY – and others – have highlighted the serious of cyber-attacks and cyber terrorism. Is your business…

Yes, Houston has a problem, and so does the entire country when it comes to securing America’s critical infrastructure. What’s critical infrastructure? It’s the very fabric of America’s economy that allows us to live our lives the way we do. According to the Department of Homeland Security, critical…

Statistically speaking, a cyber attack will almost surely happen to every business at some point. It’s simply impossible to have a completely full-proof security program that’s in place and functioning as required 24/7. If you’ve been hit with a cyber-attack, do you know what steps to take – and immediately? How…

PCI DSS, SOC 1/SOC 2, GLBA, GDPR, FISMA, HIPAA – just a handful of the dozens of information security, data privacy, and regulatory compliance laws and mandates for which tens of thousands of businesses throughout North America must comply with. Are they confusing, challenging, and costing you an immense amount…

Many of today’s current data privacy and regulatory compliance standards, regulations, and laws include a heavy dose of information security and cybersecurity requirements. Specifically, compliance reporting for PCI DSS assessments, SOC audits, HIPAA reporting – and much more – all require strict network…

We need people like you in today's cyber world, no question about it
Walter Mondale
42nd Vice President of the United States of America

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