Charles Denyer’s groundbreaking research reveals disturbing trends that should be of concern for every American regarding their safety, security, and privacy.

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An inside look at America's cyber vulnerabilities

America Under Attack

From cyber threats resulting in massive data breaches to growing acts of domestic terrorism, and more, America is being blindsided.

Cyber Assault

Cyber-attacks from nation states and nefarious hackers are penetrating every conceivable sector of the U.S. economy.

A Nation on Edge

America is being blindsided in that we can’t seem to predict, prepare, or adequately respond to such threats and challenges.

Best-Selling Author, In-Demand Speaker, Globally Recognized Cybersecurity, Data Privacy, and National Security Expert

National Security Expert Charles Denyer and Vice President Dick Cheney

Charles Denyer is a best-selling author, in-demand speaker, and a globally recognized expert in cybersecurity, data privacy, regulatory compliance, and domestic national security issues. Charles has over two decades of real-world experience when it comes to the core elements of information technology, cybersecurity, data privacy, regulatory compliance, national security & other related issues. Charles has worked with hundreds of businesses throughout the world, while also consulting regularly with top political and business leaders including former Vice Presidents of the United States, Secretaries of State, ambassadors, high-ranking intelligence officials, CEO’s, entrepreneurs, civic leaders, and others.

Charles Denyer is a best-selling author, in-demand speaker, and a globally recognized expert in cybersecurity, data privacy, regulatory compliance, and domestic national security issues. Charles has over two decades of real-world experience when it comes to the core elements of information technology, cybersecurity, data privacy, regulatory compliance, national security & other related issues. Charles has worked with hundreds of businesses throughout the world, while also consulting regularly with top political and business leaders including former Vice Presidents of the United States, Secretaries of State, ambassadors, high-ranking intelligence officials, CEO’s, entrepreneurs, civic leaders, and others.

Charles Denyer

In-Demand Keynote SpeakerBestselling AuthorInternationally Recognized Cybersecurity Expert
Charles, thank you very much for the wonderful book. Very kind of you to send it our way. Also thank you for the kind words. I hope all is well with you and yours.
George H.W. Bush
41st President of the United States of America

Current Releases

Hey Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs), you’ve got clients, but you want more, which means you’re more than likely competing with other MSSPs offering similar services and going after similar clients. The end result is competing on price. Stop! Growing your business is not about competing on price, it’s about offering new, innovative products and services. And it’s about using cybersecurity, data privacy, and regulatory compliance as your competitive advantage.

For MSSPs that can develop these products and services – and take them to market (which is actually quite easy!), you’ll experience real growth and long-term revenue streams. How do I know this? Because I help companies every day in leveraging cybersecurity as their true competitive advantage. Learn about 19 proven ways that MSSPs can grow their business in 2019 – and beyond.

You think you have good security, keep reading, because here’s 19 proven ways I can steal your data, get you fired, and then get you and your company tangled up with multi-million-dollar lawsuits. From sending tricky emails to numerous other social engineering tricks, digital dumpster diving, tailgating – and more – stealing corporate data has never been easier. With data theft at an all-time high, now’s the time to put in place real measures for ensuring the safety and security of your organization from both external threats, but also growing insider threats. Learn 19 ways that criminals can steal your data, according to Charles Denyer, one of the world’s foremost experts on cybersecurity and data privacy.

Data breaches are occurring at record pace. Ransomware attacks are on the rise. Insider threats are now a bigger concern than ever before. Can anything be done to stop the flow of security threats – absolutely – but it begins by truly understanding such threats and the big picture of today’s information security landscape. But it’s also time to stop running and start winning with cybersecurity and data privacy. For CEO’s who truly understand and can see the upside of cybersecurity, the potential for business growth is huge, no question about it. The time is now for businesses to start gaining a competitive advantage in 2019 – and beyond – with cybersecurity. Learn 19 things a CEO – and really, anyone else – needs to know about cybersecurity for 2019, according to Charles Denyer, one of the world’s foremost experts on cybersecurity and data privacy.

Information technology has completely transformed society – there’s no debating that – such as the early morning espresso machine that ingeniously pours the perfect cup of caffeine, to the complex computer software programs capable of processing literally millions of requests within microseconds, or less. It’s a great time to be alive, maybe even the best of times, suspiciously coined by Dickens, yet also possibly the worst of times if society fails to hear the sounding of the alarm, the drumbeat of an ominous wave of attacks never seen before in North America. Forget about the front-page stories of credit card breaches, social security numbers and medical records being lost and stolen, they’re just the tip of the iceberg of a much more dangerous and alarming issue.

We’re talking about the real and growing threats being placed on North America’s financial and operational infrastructure, such as banks, nuclear power plants, utility stations, and more. Real cyber security threats are not about the inconveniences of replacing a stolen credit card number, or even quarreling with credit agencies about possible identity theft – far from it – they’re about not having access to one’s bank account, power outages for weeks or more, no sanitary services, or any other nightmarish scenarios that are highly likely to play out in the coming years.

The American vice presidency has come of age. An office once deemed insignificant and irrelevant has witnessed a political makeover in the last forty years, propelling our nation’s second-in-command into the spotlight like never before. An official residence in a grand Queen Anne-style home on the grounds of the US Naval Observatory. A battalion of US Secret Service agents watching the vice president’s every move. Plush air travel on Air Force Two, and motorcades of black SUVs and limousines fit for a president.

Our Nation’s No. 2 – The Rising Influence of America’s Modern Vice Presidency presents a behind-the-scenes look into the last forty years of our nation’s second-in-command. From Walter Mondale to Mike Pence, learn fascinating facts from author and national security expert Charles Denyer as he chronicles the modern American vice presidency with more than 200 hours of private interviews with former vice presidents.

Quietly situated on the grounds of the United States Naval Observatory (USNO) in our nation’s capital lies Number One Observatory Circle, the official residence of the vice president of the United States. Built in 1893, the handsome and stately Queen Anne-style home is surrounded by a forest-like setting, complete with lush greenery, wildlife, and the serene sounds of nature, yet sits just footsteps away from the bustling traffic on Massachusetts Avenue.

From never-before-seen photos to candid conversations with former vice-presidents, family members, political power players of their time, and others – Charles Denyer brings to life untold stories and memorable moments of the three-story, green-shuttered mansion covered in layers of off-white paint, and the people who were privileged to call it home.

Our Nation’s No. 2 – The Rising Influence of America’s Modern Vice Presidency presents a behind-the-scenes look into the last forty years of our nation’s second-in-command. From Walter Mondale to Mike Pence, learn fascinating facts from author and national security expert Charles Denyer as he chronicles the modern American vice presidency with more than 200 hours of private interviews with former vice presidents.

Future Releases

From cyber threats resulting in massive data breaches to growing acts of domestic terrorism often result in the deaths of innocent bystanders – America is being blindsided. Blindsided in that we can’t seem to predict, prepare, or adequately respond to such threats and challenges. We know the threats are there, and we know they can happen at any given time, yet it’s the randomness and severity of such attacks that’s haunting to many Americans. A cyber-attack can easily paralyze our banking system, causing chaos and panic for days, possibly weeks. A random act of violence at a public venue leaving scores of innocent victim’s dead can happen without warning. A terrorist attack in the skies on a commercial airliner can severely damage our confidence in airport security, not to mention the grounding of thousands of planes and stranding of millions of passengers if the such an attack is seen as widespread.

Not only can it happen, it has happened, and with increasing regularity in recent years. Cybersecurity and national security expert Charles Denyer will give readers an in-depth overview of the growing domestic terrorism challenges for America, unearthing alarming statistics that should give every citizen pause for concern.

(2021) - Groundbreaking Publication on Cyberterrorism​

The cyberterrorism age is upon us all. State-sponsored terrorists are launching scores of cyber-attacks against America and her allies. Home-grown hackers are stealing confidential data at unprecedented levels never seen before. Ransomware, and other forms of nefarious Internet threats & attacks, are on the rise. Cybersecurity, data privacy and national security expert Charles Denyer gives readers an up-close and real-world view into the growing cyberterrorism landscape, and most importantly, how to defend against such attacks.

(2022) - Thunder in the Sky, Marine One, the Presidential Helicopter

National security expert Charles Denyer takes you deep inside the world of Marine One, the official call sign of any United States Marine Corps helicopter carrying the President of the United States of America. President travel on helicopters began in 1957 with President Dwight D. Eisenhower, continuing to the present day as the Commander-in-Chief’s demanding schedule calls for an efficient and highly secure means of transportation. Over the span of six decades, the fleet of Marine One helicopters has grown in size – and sophistication – with a completely redesigned helicopter, the VH-92A, slated to achieve initial operating capability in 2020. Learn fascinating facts and rarely seen images of one the world’s most secretive helicopters in operation.

From the final days of Watergate to the great financial crisis of 2008, Dick Cheney has been front-and-center in many of America’s most significant and consequential political events. Cheney’s political resume is nothing short of legendary – youngest Chief of Staff to ever serve a President of the United States, Wyoming’s lone Congressman for a decade, Secretary of Defense under the first President Bush, and 46th Vice President of the United States.

As the most powerful vice president in America’s long and storied history – and arguably one of the world’s most consequential statesmen of the last half-century, Dick Cheney’s political impact on America – and the world – has been cemented in history. Author Charles Denyer reveals the Dick Cheney that many simply don’t know, a man that for decades has shunned the spotlight and the media, which only added to the mystique of America’s former vice president. In his groundbreaking search, Denyer reveals a man deeply steeped in the inner workings of the American political system, yet also someone with a true conviction and commitment to his values, regardless of what others say or think.

Cheney provides his biographer, Charles Denyer, with access to rarely seen materials covering his political career, hours of private interviews, and an up-close and intimate portrait of the world according to Dick Cheney.

(2022) Getting SaaSy

Real-World, Game-Changing Strategies for Explosive Growth for Software as a Services (SaaS) Companies.

As someone that has spent the last two decades deep in the technology industry, Charles Denyer offers a straightforward, tried-and-true approach for Software as a Service (SaaS) companies looking to build their brand – and their business – in today’s ultra-competitive tech landscape. He offers real-world, practical strategies that simply work, giving organizations what they truly want – brand awareness and identity, market growth, revenues, customers for years – and profits.

Getting SaaSy is not about academia theories or ideas for massive conglomerates with billions in their bank accounts, it’s about the practical world. It’s about startups, SMB’s struggling to break out from the pack, entrepreneurs with a vision – anyone who wants to grow their SaaS company like never before.

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