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North Korea’s Cyber Assault on America, a publication from the Enemy of the State short book Series by Charles Denyer

North Korea’s Cyber Assault on America Book - Charles Denyer.png

North Korea’s cyberattacks became well-known to the world in 2014, when Pyongyang’s hackers targeted Sony Pictures in retaliation for a satirical movie regarding Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s leader. Fast forward to 2022, and North Korea’s cyber capabilities have improved immensely, pushing them from once primitive computer skills to now well-honed experts that the United States and our allies should be gravely concerned about.


Charles Denyer’s North Korea's Cyber Assault on America chronicles the origins of Kin Jong-un’s asymmetrical military strategy with a heavy reliance on cyber warfare and the relentless barrage of attacks now being perpetrated by the Kim regime against the United States. For a country as impoverished as North Korea, Denyer's North Korea's Cyber Assault on America is a wake-up call to the world of the dangers posed by Pyongyang’s hackers.

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