NOW is the Time for Obtaining a Competitive Advantage Through Cybersecurity
Select the category you identify with and let’s get started.
CEO’s & Entrepreneurs
CEO’s want growth, profits, increased market share – all the good things that come along with a successful business. CEO’s also need to ensure they’re up to speed on today’s emerging cybersecurity, data privacy, and compliance issues. Successful CEO’s are now leveraging these very issues in two important ways. First, they’re securing their own businesses in today’s world of emerging risks and threats. Second, they’re growing and expanding their businesses with a comprehensive set of service offerings for new – and significant – revenue streams and years of successful customer retention.
You’ve got growing cybersecurity, privacy, and compliance challenges – but you also want to grow your business – so now’s the time to obtaining a true competitive advantage, leaving your competition in the rear-view mirror.
Service Providers
Taking the negativity out of many of today’s core businesses challenges with cybersecurity, data privacy, and compliance, and turning them into a revenue generating program is what I do for businesses. I work with CEO’s, entrepreneurs – leaders with vision who want to grow their business like never before. Now’s the time for securing your data, while obtaining a true competitive advantage.
MSS Providers [Managed Security Services]
As an MSS, you’ve got clients, but you want more, so you continue to compete on the same old message of pricing. It’s an old song and dance that’s been played over and over again, and quite honestly, with little impact in terms of helping an MSS grow. You need to provide much more than pricing. You need a different approach. Imagine increased revenues, longer client retention, enhanced cybersecurity measures for both you and your clients? It’s all possible!
Need a World-Class Speaker?
While everybody is talking about the doom and gloom around cybersecurity, data privacy, and regulatory compliance, there’s much to be optimistic about. That’s right, taking the negativity out of many of these core businesses challenges and turning them into revenue generating opportunities is what I do for businesses. Want to hear more? Book me for my Keynote, titled “Obtaining a Competitive Advantage with Cybersecurity – A Security First Marketing Method”. I also offer other Keynotes on topics relating to cybersecurity, data privacy, regulatory compliance, and much more.
Outflank Your Competition
- Identify Your Opportunities
- Develop Your Core Message
- Grow Your Business
Keynote Topics
A Security First Marketing Approach
Changing Organizational Culture when it comes to Cybersecurity
The A to Z on Cybersecurity
State Sponsored Cyber-Attacks
Cyberterrorism & America’s Critical Infrastructure
Responding to a Cyber Attack
Understanding Today’s Growing Data Privacy & Regulatory Compliance Landscape
Can’t Have One Without the Other
Why InfoSec & Cybersecurity and Regulatory Compliance are Forever Hitched with One Another