Al Gore - The Missed Presidency | Release Date (TBD)

Al Gore, a man once described by his father as “born to be president”, lost the 2000 presidential election by the slimmest of margins. Texas Governor Georg Bush’s razor-thin 537 vote victory in Florida gave Bush the Sunshine state’s 25 electoral votes, and with that, the presidency. On January 20, 2001, Gore found himself out of office and out of power, the office of the President of the United Stated denied to a two-term vice president who, with Bill Clinton, presided over a roaring economy with no major military conflicts for the United States. Gore watched from the political sidelines as the Bush presidency became engulfed in the war on terror with two long and bloody conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
After four successive presidential campaigns, Gore decided against a potential rematch with Bush in 2004, instead opting to stay put in the private sector, while also continuing to dedicate his post-political career to climate change. Bush’ re-election gave pause to tens of millions of voters who wondered what a Gore victory in 2000 would have meant for the country and how different the world could have been.
537 delves into the life and career of one of Al Gore, tracing his journey from a dedicated public servant to a prominent environmental advocate and Nobel Laureate. 537 offers an in-depth look at Gore’s significant contributions to American politics, his pivotal role in environmental issues, and the personal and professional experiences that have shaped his legacy. Through detailed research and engaging narrative, the biography will provide readers with a nuanced portrait of Al Gore, exploring both his achievements and the challenges he has faced throughout his remarkable career.
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